allows you to enhance your photos before converting them into a diamond painting kit or a cross stitch kit (and even transform them into a puzzle !) with the best quality/price ratio on the market.

Your child, your spouse, your favorite artist, your favorite landscape, your pet: we enhance it, we restore its original beauty, we transform it for more joy or aesthetics!

If you have a damaged, dull, poorly framed, not very fun photo , etc., we have 25 ways to turn it into a beautiful work ... or even a work of art.
Here is an example with a cute cat (this one doesn't have 9 lives but 25 views!)... ;)

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Original image
0 Initially, a punched, framed, labeled calendar page...
Retouching, cropping, zooming, clipping
1 After a restorative touch-up and a utilitarian cropping
2 A zoom effect to reframe on the subject
3 Clipping allows you to remove the background
Adding a frame
4 In a wooden frame
5 In a decorative setting
6 In a film roll
Working on color
7 Let's focus on the subject
8 A great classic of photography: Black & White
9 Another classic: the Sepia effect
10 Let's bring some sunshine !
11 The HDR effect ( High Dynamic Range )
12 Selective coloring ( color splash )
Conversion to drawing
13 When a photo becomes a sketch
14 14. When a photo becomes a sketch
15 And when the sketch is put into context ( mock-up )...
16 When a photo becomes a comic strip !
Conversion to painting
17 Let's move on to the schools of painting, with Impressionism
18 Then, pointillism
19 Then a " Van Gogh " transformation
20 Let's go back to a simple oil painting
21 Or let's be more modern and move on to Pop Art ...
Other color effects
22 Warm colors, cool colors
23 Autumn colors
24 Rainbow
25 Metal effect

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