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The 99 free grids from

We offer you an interesting resource: the 99 cross-stitch patterns offered by the site , compiled in January 2014 by Elisabeth Renaudat from sources such as Thinkstock, Martine Le Tendre, Les Brodeuses Parisiennes, Eyrolles, Zweigart, etc.

Small patterns to download and print for free , either to embroider them directly or to integrate them into your own creations. They come in the form of a long "slideshow" page that shows all the patterns, each with a link to display the grid independently.

Hello everyone.

For our first contribution to the embroiderer community, we wanted to offer you a resource that you may be familiar with. If not, we are happy to share it with you!

These are the 99 cross-stitch patterns offered by the website , compiled in January 2014 by Elisabeth Renaudat from sources such as Thinkstock, Martine Le Tendre, Les Brodeuses Parisiennes, Eyrolles, Zweigart, etc.

Small patterns to download and print for free , either to embroider them directly or to integrate them into your own creations. They come in the form of a long slideshow page that shows all the patterns, each with a link to display the grid independently.

- Some links in the slideshow lead to pages that actually contain multiple grids, but some numbers out of the 99 are "duplicates"!

- Since the publication of our article, the content has been transferred from to, but nothing else has changed.

Here is precisely what you will find there (as of 04/01/16):

  1. Easter 1: silhouettes of carrot, rabbit, hen, egg + text "Happy Easter"
  2. Easter 2: big painted egg + text "Happy Easter!"
  3. Easter 3: 3 painted eggs + text "Happy Easter!"
  4. Easter 4: 2 eggs + text "Happy Easter"
  5. Easter 5: 3 large painted eggs
  6. Easter 6: stylized composition + text "Happy Easter"
  7. Easter 7: bell
  8. Bird on a branch (titmouse?)
  9. Easter 8: large painted egg
  10. "Paris in winter": Stylized Eiffel Tower surrounded by flowers
  11. 4 storage labels: texts surrounded by flowers (Postcards, My papers, My mail, My magazines)
  12. "Birds and their nest box": 2 birds, a branch, a nest box
  13. A decorated skull (yes! South American inspiration?)
  14. A badge with 2 cherries
  15. A graphic heart
  16. Football theme: 3 grids of children playing in uniform (2 boys, 1 girl)
  17. 4 personalized fruits + text "Good Morning" (separate)
  18. 2 "gray mice" grids
  19. A badge with 1 dog (fox terrier?)
  20. Skate / snowboard theme: 4 grids (basketball + headphones, 4 young surfers)
  21. Monochrome “chalet spirit” patterns: cows, deer, fir trees, chalet, etc.
  22. Horse riding theme: 4 grids (rider on her horse, horseshoe, horse head, bomb)
  23. Vintage grid: bust of a young bather, glasses, text "Happy holidays"
  24. The pro skater: grid found at point no. 20 (skate theme)
  25. 3 sardines
  26. The Eiffel Tower
  27. 3 grids for tea box: "Chinese Tea" label + flower label + flower frieze
  28. Teddy bear theme: 2 grids (1 teddy bear in a tutu + text "I <3 you", 1 teddy bear in a pot of honey)
  29. Colorful ABC book, where each letter is illustrated by a mini-pattern corresponding to an English word of which it is the initial ("A = Angel, H = Home, ...")
  30. Baby girl birth chart: hearts, "Baby Girl" text, pacifiers, bottle, cubes, butterfly, kite
  31. Baby boy chart: hearts, "Baby Boy" text, pacifiers, bottle, cubes, sailboat, kite
  32. Small purple flowers 1
  33. Small purple flowers 2
  34. "Home Sweet Home" 1: text + decorative patterns
  35. Large purple flower
  36. "Home Sweet Home" 2: text + decorative patterns + house
  37. Monochrome alphabet
  38. Clover on lawn
  39. Stylized fir tree in back stitch
  40. Monochrome alphabet with decorative patterns
  41. Decorative motifs
  42. Text "Together forever" surrounded by hearts
  43. Text "There's no place like home" + yellow house
  44. "Home Sweet Home" 3: text surrounded by hearts and squares
  45. Assortment of colorful stars
  46. Valentine's Day 1: text "LOVE" + 6 small hearts
  47. Valentine's Day 2: text "I LOVE YOU" in a big decorated heart
  48. Valentine's Day 3: text "LOVE" surrounded by 34 little hearts
  49. Valentine's Day 4: text "Be Mine" surrounded by 8 little hearts
  50. Valentine's Day 5: text "LOVE LOVE LOVE" + a bow
  51. Valentine's Day 6: text "I LOVE YOU" + hearts + decorative line (version 1)
  52. Valentine's Day 7: text "I LOVE YOU" + hearts + decorative line (version 2)
  53. Valentine's Day 8: text "I LOVE YOU" + hearts + decorative line (version 3)
  54. Valentine's Day 9: Colorful text "I <3 U"
  55. Text "Be thankful" + flowers and decor
  56. Christmas 1: Stylized Christmas tree with colored balls and snowflakes
  57. Christmas 2: text "Season's greetings" + 2 small trees + 1 gift + 3 large snowflakes
  58. Christmas 3: a running reindeer + 5 big flowers
  59. Christmas 4: text "Joy Noel Peace" + 4 bells + decoration
  60. Christmas 5: flower crown + 2 hearts + 3 gifts + 3 matryoshkas
  61. Christmas 6: text "Merry Christmas" + 4 foxes + 4 fir trees
  62. Christmas 7: flower crown + fruits + 6 sparrows
  63. Christmas 8: A reindeer in the snow
  64. Christmas 9: 1 angel + 1 fox + 1 tree + decoration
  65. Christmas 10: 1 tree made up of lots of presents + 2 mice
  66. Christmas 11: 1 deer + 1 rabbit + 2 birds + 3 squirrels + 2 gifts
  67. Christmas 12: 1 owl on a branch with a nightcap + frame
  68. Christmas 13: ABC (letters and numbers) + 4-candle candlesticks
  69. Christmas 14: 1 decorated tree + 3 gifts + 2 birds + 2 crowns + musical notes
  70. Repeat of #27: 3 grids for tea box...
  71. Repeat of #27: 3 grids for tea box...
  72. Repeat of #22: horseshoe...
  73. Repeat of #22: Cavalier Bomb...
  74. Repeat of #22: horse head...
  75. 4 personified fruits
  76. Repeat of #16: young girl playing football in uniform
  77. Repeat of #16: young boy playing football in uniform
  78. Monochrome heart in "giant cross stitch", hollow pattern
  79. Monochrome heart in "giant cross stitch", full pattern
  80. Number 5 in "giant cross stitch"
  81. 3 cherry blossoms (cushion strip)
  82. "Mountain spirit": 2 horses + 1 tree + mountain flowers
  83. 2 owls on a branch + text "You have big eyes... you know!"
  84. Beautiful bouquet of flowers
  85. Flower bouquet badge
  86. Maneki neko (Japanese cat)
  87. Monochrome ABC "book cover"
  88. Insects: 3 ladybugs (wrongly called "bees"...)
  89. Insects: 8 flies for jam jar covers!
  90. "Lavender" boxed text for lavender sachets
  91. Blackwork cat
  92. Repeat of #83: 2 owls...
  93. Repeat of #20: 2 sneakers + 1 headset + text "HIP HOP"
  94. Repeat of #20: The Skater
  95. A heart-shaped medallion (with 2 birds)
  96. Stylized fir tree
  97. 1 owl in a cage or aviary
  98. 2 birds in cage or aviary
  99. A pretty bird

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