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Best Free Puzzle Sites 2024

It is in the nature of crucifixionists and other embroidery enthusiasts to share their creations for free, and to constantly look for new embroidery patterns, especially for cross stitch .
We have therefore decided to compile in this article many websites (mainly French-speaking) on ​​which you can find free grids and models of all kinds.

(Last updated 04/13/2024)

These sites are mostly French-speaking. If another language, its code is indicated in brackets to the right of the name, for example "[EN]" for English.
Please contact us if you know of other good sites or if some of the links below no longer work.

To your needles!

Creators and amateurs
The new French-speaking reference for free models for creative hobbies!
Born in 2024, this site references with unrivaled quality grids that have either disappeared from the Internet, fallen into the public domain, or offered directly by the creators.
Each grid is carefully described, sourced and categorized, and stored on their server to avoid any disappearance. No more "dead links", so annoying on blogs!

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

DMC - Free Patterns
A must-have in the "middle", notably thanks to its famous color chart of stranded cotton threads, the DMC company offers hundreds of free patterns for traditional embroidery, cross stitch, knitting and crochet.

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Brigitte Dadaux
Created in 2007, the blog of the designer and "artisan" Brigitte Dadaux contains hundreds of free quality grids (mainly monochrome)! A must .

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in February 2018.

Annie Cicatelli
Another "pioneer" of French-speaking cross-stitch sites, Annie Cicatelli also offers more than a hundred designs on her blog.

Status 2024: ACTIVE, but “Free Grids” section stopped in December 2013.

Cross the wires!
The teacher Caroline created a blog mixing "cross stitch and class life". Original! But the most interesting thing is that there are more than 1000 free patterns, including first names to embroider!

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Prima / Current Woman
The online version of Prima magazine featured an article listing 99 free, old and modern grids from different designers. We dedicated our first blog post to it. ;)

Status 2024: ACTIVE (page transferred from Prima to Femme Actuelle).
The designer Candice Mendousse adds at the end of each section of her catalog a few PDF grids to download, about 50.

Status 2024: accessible but no longer powered.

Brodyzen Creations
Since 2008, this blog has been delighting us with its "creations and needlework", with nearly 1800 posts including more than 350 devoted to free patterns!

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

The little crosses of Anaide
Lots of cool designs on this old-school blog.

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Creative Passion
Created in early 2015 by Isabelle, this blog is very well stocked, particularly with monochrome animal patterns and Disney characters (but not only!).

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in May 2020.

Martine's cross stitch
Since 2009 (at the time on Martine has been publishing her creations for free download, as well as "tutorials", sewing and knitting.
Nearly 300 designs to date!

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Liselotte's Grilles
Until October 2015, Liselotte's blog offered lots of nice patterns. Her attempts to migrate to another site ( and ) have apparently failed. Some archives remain...

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in October 2015.

Hazel's Farm
Nearly 100 grids published by Lisbei ​​between 2007 and 2019, with series "Petites Dolls" and "Harry Potter". Until 2014, they were part of the blog "Lud in the Mist" .

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in December 2022?

Free Patterns Online
This site created by an American was a reference! It offers a certain number of patterns from before 2007 (in image format), plus a few from after 2009 (in PDF format).

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in 2012.

At Elkalin
Since 2009, Liliane has been compiling and sharing hundreds of charts, but also free patterns, patchwork, sewing, ... and even cooking recipes!

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Graficos Punto de Cruz Gratis
A blog that lists tons of grids: Ali Broda's cave with 1800 patterns! ;)
Animals, ABCs, cartoons and children's literature, baby designs, angels, flowers, etc.
But we didn't tell you anything, eh, it stays between us...
(Don't read Spanish? Translated version here! )

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in June 2013.

Free Cross Stitch Pattern Central [EN]
This American directory lists hundreds of grids published on other sites around the world, classified by theme. A commendable idea, even if the site is riddled with advertising and dead links... When sorting through, there are still lots of good stuff!

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in 2012?

At Mamigoz
A bit of a mishmash blog from a Breton woman (embroidery, cooking, DIY, etc.) and very productive.
The articles are poorly categorized, you have to search, but there are lots of nice grids.

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Blog created in 2012 talking about embroidery (mainly), sewing and knitting.
90 free cross stitch patterns.

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in April 2021?

Blackyrose Embroidery
Between 2007 and 2014, Blackyrose published about fifty free patterns, including monochrome geometric patterns. (Be careful, some are very small and difficult to read.)

Status 2024: accessible but stopped in May 2014.

Modeling head
70 pixel art designs for kids.

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Other directories

Passion Embroidery In addition to her shop, Véronique Gabillat has compiled (and commented on) a whole list of sites offering free grids. To explore!
Better: you have access to his own grids, on this page and on his blog .

Status 2024: ACTIVE.
Penelope-Cruz-del-Punto Created in 2007, the blog of Penelope Cruz... del Punto has since then referenced numerous designs offered by other sites.

Status 2024: ACTIVE.
Pinterest: Cross Stitch Charts This Pinterest search will feed you with cross stitch patterns every day!
(And you can also check out our own small selection of grids .)

Status 2024: ACTIVE.

Originally published: 02/04/2016. Last updated: 13/04/2024

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