Don't throw away your unused bags!
Many diamond painting fans have bags of excess rhinestones (round or square) that they end up throwing away instead of using them ...
It’s neither economical nor ecological! Are you in this case? Do you regularly wonder what to do with your leftover diamonds?
We will take back your unused bags in exchange for a discount voucher that can be used for an unlimited period of time, to purchase a diamond embroidery or cross stitch kit or accessories:
- For every 10 bags returned up to 100 , get 1.50 EUR credit on the entire store.
For every 10 bags returned over 100 , get 1.00 EUR storewide credit . - To this we add EUR 3.00 shipping costs.
- In addition, a ceiling of 50 EUR per person per year is applied (otherwise the accounts will slap us on the wrist...).
- For example :
- 50 bags (5 packs) = 10.50 EUR (5 x 1.50 + 3.00 )
- 10 0 bags (10 lots) = 1 8 EUR (10 x 1.50 + 3.00)
- 150 bags (15 packs) = 23.00 EUR (10 x 1.50 + 5 x 1 + 3.00 )
- 300 bags (30 lots) = 38.00 EUR ( 10 x 1.50 + 20 x 1 + 3.00)
- 420 bags and more = 50.00 EUR
We exchange your unused pearl bags for others that you are missing:
- You don't spend anything to get the good references in exchange for the "throwaway" ones, except for a stamp...
- You receive 1 new bag for each complete and undamaged bag sent.
Conditions for benefiting from the recovery or exchange
All bags are complete (200 rhinestones of the same color per bag -- bags of 100 rhinestones count as half) and in good condition, and their color is identified by a DMC color chart number.
( Click here to see the color chart .) - The service works in batches of 10 sachets .
Below, we do not take back/exchange. -
Contact us via our form , indicating precisely:
- the number of bags in your possession,
- the type (round diamonds or square diamonds) and the DMC number (for example, 310 = black) of each bag,
- the DMC numbers wanted in exchange, or "return" to have a reduction voucher,
- your full contact details (name, first name, postal address, telephone number). - We reserve the right to refuse a proposal if it is incomplete or if the state of our stock does not allow us to satisfy it.
Discount coupons or credit?
Upon receipt of your bags, we will send you an email with the final amount obtained. You can then decide whether you prefer one or more discount coupons, or a credit to use on your next orders.
Coupon advantage: you can order freely without our intervention, by entering a promotional code at the time of payment.
Disadvantage: the order amount must be higher than the coupon amount...
We can generate several if necessary (for example 2 x €20 rather than 1 x €40). -
Advantage of credit: you can split it as you wish (for example, get a €15 order for free without losing €5 on a €20 coupon)!
Disadvantage: you must notify us by email before purchase, so that we can send you a purchase order with the correct amount.